Seahorse Rangers

Under “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance”, Seahorse Rangers are established to enrich students’ conservation perspectives through support and meaningful experiences in Ocean Park. Seahorse Rangers are formed by a group of passionate and creative students in local schools to come up with innovative and community engaging solution on conservation issues. As the largest stakeholders in school, students could advocate conservation and cultivate environmentally friendly behaviors from different levels.

  • Equip with conservation knowledge through Ocean Park visits and resources provided
  • Demonstrate leadership skills at school to help conduct the 3 Flagship activities in Ocean Park Conservation Alliance
  • Coordinate Carnival through conservation advocacy in school
Seahorse Rangers will obtain
  • 2024-2025 school year Ocean Park learning pass
  • Seahorse Rangers collection booklet
  • Conservation uniform, including a hat and T-shirt
All materials will be distributed in mid of January 2025.


Target: Primary and Secondary students from Hong Kong Government Schools, aided schools and private schools (including international schools) in 2024/2025 school year.

Quota: 30 students and 3 teachers

Fee: Free of charge

Eligibility and Recruitment: Each Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member School can nominate maximum 30 students and 3 teacher representatives to become member of “Seahorse Rangers”. They shall demonstrate leadership skills at school to help conduct three Flagship activities, advocate conservation at school and community level.

Seahorse Rangers selection criteria*
  • Nominate by school
  • Representatives from different levels
  • Passionate in conservation
  • Interested in conservation and wildlife
  • Equipped with Leadership, cooperation, communication skills
  • Basic understanding in conservation and biodiversity
*Selection Criteria are for reference only. Teachers-in-charge reserve the right of final decision on the selection.

Task and Activities:

  1. Completion of 3 Flagship Activities
  2. Completion of tasks on the Seahorse Rangers collection booklet
    • Observe and record difference in animal behaviours in Ocean Park
    • Explore threats faced by animals in the wild through connecting with animal ambassadors in Ocean Park
    • Record a 1-min vlog during one of their visit
    • Certificate would be provided once the Seahorse Rangers collection blooklet is completed and verified by teacher in the school year
  3. Carnival game booth design and operation
    Ocean Park Carnival provides a platform for schools to exchange their ideas and hard work done throughout the academic year to the general public. They are also invited to share their experience on various conservation related projects or activities.

    Selected schools are assigned with a booth which is responsible by Seahorse Rangers to showcase the conservation work in school. Seahorse Rangers shall:
    • Design the booth based on one of the three visions of Mission R – saving species and habitats / eat local / plastic challenge.
    • Submit a 3-minute video on booth ideas and deliverables.


Teacher representatives should register to become member of "Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member School" and submit “Seahorse Rangers” name list online on or before 24 January 2025.

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