Ocean Park Mission R

Ocean Park has always been committed to conservation and education at the cornerstone of its development, and has been dedicated to connecting people with nature though various programmes. To promote community collaboration and inspire public participation, Ocean Park will launch a new conservation advocacy campaign named “Mission R”.

"Mission R" is inspired by the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) global initiative to reverse the trend of species extinction through igniting optimism and collaborative actions to ensure survival of species and diversity of ecosystems.

To know more about “Mission R”, please visit 逆瀕行動- Mission R Facebook page.

Through establishing “Conservation Alliance”, Ocean Park provides an interactive platform for schools on conservation.  In order to enrich students’ conservation perspective, schools are encouraged to become member of “Conservation Alliance” through online registration to enjoy exclusive activities provided by Ocean Park.  

Ocean Park Conservation Alliance

Ocean Park Conservation Alliance is a student-led initiative aiming to provide an interactive conservation platform for schools to navigate conversation; Accreditation System has been set up by the Park.  Students will be heavily involved in the Alliance as Seahorse Rangers advocating conservation and cultivating environmentally friendly behaviors in school through an array of conservation activities. Activities include the three flagship activities, "SGREEN" Interschool Recycling Competition, “Eat package free food, local or seasonal (Low Carbon PLS)” Day and City Nature Challenge 2025.

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