
Seahorse Rangers Pledging Ceremony cum Cultural & Creative Conservation Market will be arranged on January 11, 2025.
Registration could be found on “Other Activities”.
Teachers from Kindergarten please view the details from the "Kindergarten" tab.

Biodiversity, the variety of living species, is under threat, mainly due to human activities, climate change, loss of habitat, overexploitation and pollution. As a member of the planet, what can we do to reverse this situation?

“Ocean Park Conservation Alliance” is organised by Ocean Park Academy Hong Kong and has always been committed to establish an interactive platform for schools to interchange ideas on conservation and education.
This year, the three directions of “Mission R” are “Saving species and habitats”, “Eat local” and “Plastic challenge”. Under “Mission R”, “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance” is implemented with three flagship activities, “SGREEN”, “Low Carbon PLS” Day and “City Nature Challenge 2024”, in order to reverse the trend of species extinction through igniting optimism and collaborative actions between “Member Schools”.


Award would be provided in each Flagship activity for each division: Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary, all “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member Schools” are eligible for the Award.

Award includes: Trophy
"SGREEN" Inter-school Recycling Competition 
October 2024 - May 2025
Cultivate recycling habits in
teachers & students

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"Low Carbon PLS" Day
November 2024 – March 2025
Adopt a low carbon diet through
consuming package free, local or seasonal food

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City Nature Challenge 2025
25-28 April 2025
Discover Hong Kong Wildlife and biodiversity

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Seahorse Rangers

Each “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member School” can nominate a maximum of 30 students and 3 teacher representatives to become members of “Seahorse Rangers”. They shall demonstrate leadership skills at school to help conduct three Flagship activities, and promote conservation at school.

Seahorse Rangers will receive learning pass, conservation t-shirt and hat, as well as training from Ocean Park Hong Kong to enrich their conservaiton knowledge.  Rangers will be invited to participate in a Conservation Carnival in early July.

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Accreditation System

To encourage schools to partake in conservation activities, Accreditation System has been set up by the Park. Schools will be endorsed as “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Member School” immediately upon registration.

Meanwhile, schools will be endorsed as “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Outstanding School” upon the achievement of conservation goals via the completion of all tasks of 3 flagship activities.They are also eligible for “Ocean Park Conservation Alliance Champion School” Award.  To compete for this award, schools are required to submit a report to highlight the efforts in conservation advocacy or innovation.

Result will be announed in mid June.

Register now to become a member of “Conservation Alliance Member School” and play our parts in conservation!

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About Ocean Park Academy Hong Kong

Ocean Park Academy Hong Kong (OPAHK) was founded in 2004 to deliver education programmes in the diversified environment of Ocean Park. We aspire to become the ideal destination for life-wide learning where students of different ages can learn about nature and conservation in an enjoyable atmosphere.

Supporting Organisation

Ocean Park Conservation Alliance is supported by the Education Bureau, Carbon Reduction Action (organised by the Environment and Ecology Bureau, funded by the Environment and Conservation Fund (ECF)), Conservation Fund, Publishers and the following school heads associations and education organisations.

Education Bureau :

Carbon Reduction Action


School Head Association :

Education Association :

The List is arranged in ascending order (A-Z) 

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